Tuesday, February 26, 2008

No, Really: Re-Thinking The Pointer Sisters

I'm re-editing this post because I feel like you guys might have just taken a pass at this. Whatever you think the Pointer Sisters are, this isn't it. This is them young (1974), 4 of them (not 3), combining earthy funk and vocal jazz - totally organic, with virtually no resemblance to the 80s hits you know them for. Watch to the end for some truly thrilling vocal improvisation.


drischord said...

Wow, that was way better than I ever thought it would be. And I fully admit to not watching this video when you first posted it. The question is do albums exist of this kind of thing or are all their releases of the slick '80s hits variety?

"Female Jesus" coming up.

dr. kittybrains said...

They do. You can get their first album on iTunes actually, just called "The Pointer Sisters". Their first four records are all sort of like this, though the first is my favorite. I discovered this when I found their first album on vinyl for 25 or 50 cents in Manhattan. It blew my mind. I'll try and post a few songs, but it's worth just buying.

Eric said...

Any song with a four-way saxakazoo solo is alright by me.

dr. kittybrains said...

Right? Right?!

Via Chicago said...

OK, I'll admit I was skeptical until about the 2:30 mark, but the sakakazoo breakdown won me over, and the fantastic jam at the end sealed the deal. Awesome.

texplush said...

that was awesome