Thursday, January 01, 2009

Dr. Dog Revisited

Inspired by the Top 10 lists of Via Chicago and Tex Plush, I revisited the Dr. Dog album today. Tex had given it to me over the summer, along with a glut of other music, and I wound up only listening to it once-- and on either an airplane or a bus, so I didn't even hear it properly.

Well I finally gave it a proper listen, and better late than never. It's a great record. I would describe it as closer to Wilco than any other contemporary act. Acutally it sounds a lot like the Minus 5 album with Wilco, only better vocal harmonies. And a better primal rock growl, for that matter. Actually that growl is a major highlight.

I feel like if Eric and Tex had a bastard child (and really, what are you guys waiting for?), he/she would go nuts for Dr. Dog. Eric, buy this album. I need not tell you that it's available on...

wait for it...


Really everyone on here would dig this. Although I should warn you (mainly Quinapalus, our resident lyrics afficianado) that the lyrics are the weakest link on the album. Most are standard-issue and a few are downright goofy ("choo-choo train" comes to mind), but man, the harmonies are sweet.

Despite posting my poppiest list in the 5 years we've been doing this, I never got around to appreciating Dr. Dog in 2008. But on this first day of 2009, their excellence hit me.


texplush said...

Every review i've read of Fate takes a big shit on the "choo choo" lyric. I guess it is pretty bad....But i'm glad you like it, D!
personal favorites are The Old Days and The Rabbit, The Bat and The Reindeer. Tho Hang On is definitely my favorite.
You should check out their previous record too! it's just as good, if not better I think it was my #3 last year...

Eric said...

I have/really like their last one, and the one before (which is way weaker). Have definitely been meaning to pick this up (and had every intention of doing so before 2008 ended but it didn't happen) and will do so post-haste. In CD form though.

Via Chicago said...

I haven't heard all of their last album, but really love "My Old Ways", which I find to be Beach Boys-esque in the best possible way - taking what made good Beach Boys so good and using those elements, while still making something that doesn't just sound like Pet Sounds 2. Awesome song - Dr. K - seek it out if you have not heard it.