Sometimes a song comes up in your iTunes shuffle and it just makes you smile. This happened to me today with Jason Falkner.
I first became aware of him because he played on the first Eric Matthews album. (Eric will remember that guy as a classic Drischord selection-- although one I no longer really like. Too coy and pretentious.) But then I got sent a Jason Falkner solo CD when I was writing for the Daily Northwestern. It was a collection of 4-track demos, about half of which had previously been released in fully "produced" versions on prior records.
Probably because I heard them first, I prefer the 4-track versions to this day. Raw and fun, but not undeveloped or lo-fi. This is probably the way these songs sound live.
Now, of course, I think of Jason Falkner mostly as the guy in The Grays who wasn't Jon Brion (and the one who wrote/sang their best song-- "Very Best Years"). He was also in Jellyfish-- a band I don't really know. Anyway, great power pop type of guy, and highly underrated.
After writing this, I found this article about Falkner, if anyone's interested.
Not gonna lie: He comes across as kind of a self-centered dick. But a talented self-centered dick.
It's funny that this exchange took place the day after I first heard the "Power Pop Pop-Pop" segment from WFMU's Best Show.
It's on iTunes for free:
(Number 16)
Well worth hearing.
Thanks, Dr. K, for laying down the law!
Troy, thanks for reading. I'm glad you're such a wonderful person. I'm aware of Bellybutton and yes, I own multiple Falkner albums, including the one depicted in the post.
Thank you for, to quote, "not saying don't write what you want to on your own blog." With your permission, sir, I will continue to write about what I want to in my own blog-- in this case, an unsolicited promotion of an artist I like, Jason Falkner.
For similar entries by me and the rest of the Kittybrains Collective, please keep us bookmarked.
After re-reading his comment I'm, pretty sure Troy either *is* Jason Falkner, or one of his friends.
Also, Falkner only played bass on Bellybutton... the Falkner-less follow-up, 'Spilt Milk', is far superior, but they're both worthwhile.
Personally, I think 'Can You Still Feel' is Falkner's best solo album. The more recent 'I'm OK, You're OK' is middling and claustrophobically produced.
I guess Troy deleted his post.
Nope. I just cleaned house.
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