Monday, May 19, 2008

Coldplay Goes Political!


Quinapalus said...

This is a rockin' little tune, but I'm not sure I would use the term "political" to describe it. From what I could gather from the video, Coldplay seems to be vaguely against politicians of all stripes, as well as all soldiers, and anyone attending a political rally, especially if they look angry and foreign. I'd say they cast too wide a net to be "political", since being political assumes having some coherent political point of view. Maybe this is "anti-political"?

texplush said...

i pray for the day when one must be coherent to qualify as political.

Quinapalus said...

I can't deny you bested me with that quip, Tex. But seriously, if there's a political message here, can anyone identify what it actually is?

texplush said...

How about:
politicians are ultimately all the same, regardless of their idealogical affiliation?
a tired supposition, to be sure, but the dancing and music-making is a fresh twist

Quinapalus said...

My point is that it's not just politicians: it's soldiers, people at political rallies, people dancing in Obama underwear etc. It seems to me more like:
People who participate in the political process in any way are all the same, regardless of their idealogical affiliation.
Which I still think is casting so wide a net it hardly qualifies as "political".

dr. kittybrains said...

I think it's simply: the political process is all just a big fucking song-and-dance, and ain't it a shame? Having to dance around in panties with your candidate's name on it to make a dent in the American consciousness is pretty fucking sad.